Today is the first day of summer. For my friends who celebrate the solstice, I wish you a hearty HAPPY SUMMER SOLSTICE. One of the greatest joys of warm weather, at least for me, is the ability to go barefoot in the yard. Feeling the grass tickle between my toes, or the mud squish is a tactile sensation that here in Iowa, only comes when the weather is decently warm. The heat of sunny pavement…The ouch!-ouch!-ouch! of dancing across blacktop…The squish of the yard after a heavy rain storm…these are all things that you can’t feel with shoes on.
Of course those who live in the city might not have the pleasure of experiencing the world through the soles of their feet. I know I don’t venture beyond my yard without slipping on shoes. It’s a dangerous world out there for unprotected feet.
Summer bare feet brings another pleasure (at least for me)…male bare feet. I admit, I’m probably a little strange, but even with all the other eye catching parts on a guy, I think a guy’s bare feet can be sexy. There’s something about them that is so masculine. Nicely maintained bare feet speak confidence to me. Add that to the usual summer wardrobe of a pair of shorts (shirt optional), and well let’s just say, summer is a real time for eye candy.
What are your favorite summer pleasures?